院長 小松俊一郎
- 内視鏡外科手術
- 大腸手術
- 肛門外科
- 腸内細菌と手術侵襲
- 愛知医科大学 客員教授
- 日本外科学会(指導医、専門医)
- 日本消化器外科学会(指導医、専門医)
- 日本内視鏡外科学会(技術認定医、評議員)
- 日本大腸肛門病学会(専門医)
名古屋大学医学部医学科卒業 | 1989年3月 |
国家公務員共済組合連合会東海病院 外科 | 1989年4月~1993年10月 |
大垣市民病院 外科 | 1993年11月~1994年3月 |
ルイジアナ州立大学(米国) | 1994年4月~1996年11月 |
東海市民病院 外科 | 1996年12月~1998年3月 |
名古屋大学 第一外科 | 1998年4月~2001年3月 |
春日井市民病院 外科 | 2001年4月~2003年6月 |
名古屋第二赤十字病院 一般消化器外科 副部長 | 2003年7月~2008年5月 |
名古屋第二赤十字病院 一般消化器外科 部長 | 2008年6月~2014年12月 |
愛知医科大学 消化器外科 准教授 | 2015年1月~2017年3月 |
愛知医科大学 消化器外科 特任教授 | 2017年4月~2024年9月 |
家田病院 非常勤医師 | 2015年~ |
私は1989年に名古屋大学医学部を卒業し、国家公務員共済組合東海病院および大垣市民病院で約5年間、一般外科医として初期研修を受けました。その後、1994年からルイジアナ州立大学生理学教室(D. Neil Granger 教授)に研究員として留学し、急性炎症や腸内細菌、腸管上皮透過性に関する研究に従事しました。特に、腸内細菌が体内に侵入する「バクテリアル・トランスロケーション」に注目し、感染症や炎症のメカニズムについて深く学びました。
その後、春日井市民病院や名古屋第二赤十字病院(現 日本赤十字社愛知医療センター 名古屋第二病院)での勤務を経て、腹腔鏡手術の技術を磨いてきました。特に、難度の高い直腸・横行結腸・下行結腸の病変に対する腹腔鏡手術を数多く経験し、高度胆嚢炎や総胆管結石に対する手術でも豊富な実績を積むことができました。
- Kunitomo A, Komatsu S, Matsumura T, Fukami Y, Sano T: Integrated Laparoscopic Management of Parastomal and Midline Incisional Double Hernias: A Staged Approach Including Hartmann's Reversal and Hernia Repair. Cureus 2024;16(5):e60470.
- Uchino T, Komatsu S, Matsumura T, Fukami Y, Saito T, Osawa T, Kurahashi S, Kaneko K, Sano T: Laparoscopic Hartmann's reversal combined with interval lymphadenectomy after emergency surgery for perforated colon cancer: A case report. Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery 2022;15(2):384-387.
- Osawa T, Komatsu S, Ishiguro S, Sano T: Anatomy of the right colic vein and pancreaticoduodenal branches: a surgical landmark for laparoscopic complete mesocolic excision of the right colon. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy : SRA 2018;40(4):423-429.
- Komatsu S: Sustainability of enhanced recovery programs in colorectal surgery. Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery 2018;3(72).
- Ishiguro S, Komatsu S, Komaya K, Saito T, Arikawa T, Kaneko K, Sano T: Sphincter-preserving surgery for recurrent pelvic malignancy using a hybrid procedure of open laparotomy and transanal endoscopic approach. Surg Case Rep 2018;4(1):33.
- Komatsu S, Fujiwara Y: Transversus abdominis plane block in laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery 2017;2(41).
- Ishiguro S, Komatsu S, Ando K, Osawa T, Yasui K, Arikawa T, Ohashi N, Miyachi M, Sano T: Feasibility of umbilical loop ileostomy in overweight and obese patients with rectal cancer during laparoscopic surgery: Preliminary results. Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery 2017;10(1):79-82.
- Shingu Y, Hasegawa H, Sakamoto E, Komatsu S, Kurumiya Y, Norimizu S, Taguchi Y: Clinical and oncologic safety of laparoscopic surgery for obstructive left colorectal cancer following transanal endoscopic tube decompression. Surgical Endoscopy 2013;27(9):3359-3363.
- Osawa T, Fukami Y, Komatsu S, Saito T, Matsumura T, Kurahashi S, Uchino T, Kato S, Kaneko K, Sano T: Impact of fundus-first laparoscopic cholecystectomy for severe cholecystitis. Surgical Endoscopy 2023;37(8):6129-6134.
- Matsumura T, Komatsu S, Komaya K, Fukami Y, Arikawa T, Saito T, Osawa T, Kurahashi S, Uchino T, Kato S, Toda Y, Kaneko K, Sano T: Dual common bile duct examination with transcystic choledochoscopy and cholangiography in laparoscopic cholecystectomy for suspected choledocholithiasis: a prospective study. Surgical Endoscopy 2021;35(7):3379-3386.
- Kurahashi S, Komatsu S, Matsumura T, Fukami Y, Arikawa T, Saito T, Osawa T, Uchino T, Kato S, Suzuki K, Toda Y, Kaneko K, Sano T: A novel classification of aberrant right hepatic ducts ensures a critical view of safety in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Surgical Endoscopy 2020;34(7):2904-2910.
- Matsumura T, Komatsu S, Komaya K, Ando K, Arikawa T, Ishiguro S, Saito T, Osawa T, Kurahashi S, Uchino T, Yasui K, Kato S, Suzuki K, Kato Y, Sano T: Closure of the cystic duct orifice in laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy for severe cholecystitis. Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery 2018;11(3):206-211.
- Shingu Y, Komatsu S, Norimizu S, Taguchi Y, Sakamoto E: Laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy for severe cholecystitis. Surgical Endoscopy 2016;30(2):526-531.
- Toda Y, Komatsu S, Fukami Y, Saito T, Matsumura T, Osawa T, Kurahashi S, Uchino T, Kato S, Yasui K, Hanazawa T, Kaneko K, Sano T: Prognostic factors for the successful conservative management of nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia. World J Emerg Surg 2022;17(1):32.
- Gonda H, Saito T, Osawa T, Kurahashi S, Matsumura T, Fukami Y, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Hiramatsu K, Kato T, Sano T: Ruptured intra-abdominal testicular seminoma with hemorrhage shock, after inadequate surgical exploration for undescended testis: a case report. Surg Case Rep 2021;7(1):65.
- Yasui K, Ishiguro S, Komatsu S, Matsumura T, Komaya K, Saito T, Arikawa T, Kaneko K, Sano T: Novel approach to intraoperative peritoneal lavage with an extracorporeal stirring method in laparoscopic surgery for generalized peritonitis: Preliminary results. Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery 2020;13(1):89-94.
- Taguchi Y, Komatsu S, Sakamoto E, Norimizu S, Shingu Y, Hasegawa H: Laparoscopic versus open surgery for complicated appendicitis in adults: a randomized controlled trial. Surgical Endoscopy 2016;30(5):1705-1712.
- Fukami Y, Hasegawa H, Sakamoto E, Komatsu S, Hiromatsu T: Value of laparoscopic appendectomy in perforated appendicitis. World Journal of Surgery 2007;31(1):93-97.
- Komatsu S, Sakamoto E, Asahara T, Nomoto K, Nagino M: Effects of synbiotics on ileal microbiota. Indian J Med Res 2018;147(1):58-65.
- Komatsu S, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M: Gut microbiota and bacterial translocation in digestive surgery: the impact of probiotics. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery / Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie 2017;402(3):401-416.
- Komatsu S, Sakamoto E, Norimizu S, Shingu Y, Asahara T, Nomoto K, Nagino M: Efficacy of perioperative synbiotics treatment for the prevention of surgical site infection after laparoscopic colorectal surgery: a randomized controlled trial. Surgery Today 2016;46:479-490.
- Kanazawa H, Nagino M, Kamiya S, Komatsu S, Mayumi T, Takagi K, Asahara T, Nomoto K, Tanaka R, Nimura Y: Synbiotics reduce postoperative infectious complications: a randomized controlled trial in biliary cancer patients undergoing hepatectomy. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery / Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie 2005;390(2):104-113.
- Kamiya S, Nagino M, Kanazawa H, Komatsu S, Mayumi T, Takagi K, Asahara T, Nomoto K, Tanaka R, Nimura Y: The value of bile replacement during external biliary drainage: an analysis of intestinal permeability, integrity, and microflora. Annals of Surgery 2004;239(4):510-517.
- Komatsu S, Berg RD, Russell JM, Nimura Y, Granger DN: Enteric microflora contribute to constitutive ICAM-1 expression on vascular endothelial cells. American Journal of Physiology Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 2000;279(1):G186-191.
- Komatsu S, Nimura Y, Granger DN: Intestinal stasis associated bowel inflammation. World Journal of Gastroenterology : WJG 1999;5(6):518-521.
- Komatsu S, Panes J, Grisham MB, Russell JM, Mori N, Granger DN: Effects of intestinal stasis on intercellular adhesion molecule 1 expression in the rat: role of enteric bacteria. Gastroenterology 1997;112(6):1971-1978.
- Komatsu S, Grisham MB, Russell JM, Granger DN: Enhanced mucosal permeability and nitric oxide synthase activity in jejunum of mast cell deficient mice. Gut 1997;41(5):636-641.
- Ueda S, Saito T, Fukami Y, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Sano T: A case of enormous retroperitoneal liposarcoma with prolapse from the left inguinal canal following hernia repair. Surg Case Rep 2024;10(1):101.
- Saito T, Fukami Y, Yasui K, Komatsu S, Sano T: Robotic sleeve gastrectomy through medial approach for severe obesity: Safe introduction, technical description and case series. Journal of Minimal Access Surgery 2024;20(4):463-467.
- Kato S, Saito T, Kurahashi S, Fukami Y, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Sano T: Simultaneous resection of a neuroendocrine tumor in an incidental Meckel's diverticulum with transabdominal preperitoneal hernial repair: a case report. Surg Case Rep 2024;10(1):21.
- Saito T, Fukami Y, Kurahashi S, Yasui K, Uchino T, Matsumura T, Osawa T, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Sano T: Current status and future perspectives of robotic inguinal hernia repair. Surgery Today 2022;52(10):1395-1404.
- Saito T, Fukami Y, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Sano T: How to Establish the Bipolar Forceps Dissection Method in Robotic Inguinal Hernia Repair. Ann Gastroenterol Surg 2022;6(3):454-459.
- Matsushita N, Kaneko K, Kato S, Odashima T, Kondo R, Fukuyama T, Saito T, Fukami Y, Komatsu S, Sano T: Laparoscopic complete excision of an enormous simple hepatic cyst occupying the entire abdomen in a child: a case report and literature review. Surg Case Rep 2022;8(1):87.
- Kato S, Kaneko K, Matsushita N, Saito T, Fukami Y, Komatsu S, Sano T: Prenatally diagnosed biliary cysts: A spectrum from congenital biliary dilatation to biliary atresia from the same origin. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2022;29(9):961-963.
- Fujisaki H, Fukami Y, Arikawa T, Saito T, Osawa T, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Kurokawa T, Nonami T, Sano T: Long-term results of laparoscopic Hassab's procedure for esophagogastric varices with portal hypertension. Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery 2022;15(3):505-512.
- Saito T, Iwamoto S, Murotani K, Hashimoto A, Kurahashi S, Fukami Y, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Mishima H, Sano T: Efficacy of celecoxib as preemptive analgesia for patients undergoing laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair: a randomized trial. Surgery Today 2021.
- Kato S, Kaneko K, Matsushita N, Kurahashi S, Osawa T, Matsumura T, Saito T, Fukami Y, Komatsu S, Sano T: Calcium bilirubinate sludge causes early onset of congenital biliary dilatation: a report of two cases. Surg Case Rep 2021;7(1):92.
- Hanazawa T, Fukami Y, Osawa T, Kurahashi S, Matsumura T, Saito T, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Tsuzuki T, Sano T: A case of resected hepatocellular carcinoma with gallbladder metastasis. Surg Case Rep 2021;7(1):145.
- Fukami Y, Saito T, Osawa T, Hanazawa T, Kurahashi T, Kurahashi S, Matsumura T, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Sano T: Which is the best predictor of clinically relevant pancreatic fistula after pancreatectomy: drain fluid concentration or total amount of amylase? Ann Gastroenterol Surg 2021;5(6):844-852.
- Fukami Y, Saito T, Osawa T, Arikawa T, Matsumura T, Kurahashi S, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Sano T: Preoperative Controlling Nutritional Status plus Tumor Burden Score for the Assessment of Prognosis after Curative Liver Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Med Princ Pract 2021;30(2):131-137.
- Fukami Y, Saito T, Arikawa T, Osawa T, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Ishida Y, Maeda K, Mori N, Sano T: European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) Malnutrition Criteria for Predicting Major Complications After Hepatectomy and Pancreatectomy. World Journal of Surgery 2021;45(1):243-251.
- Saito T, Ogawa T, Kurahashi S, Okamoto H, Gonda H, Matsumura T, Osawa T, Fukami Y, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Sano T: A novel Killian-Jamieson diverticulectomy using a thyroid gland flap: a case report. Surg Case Rep 2020;6(1):283.
- Saito T, Fukami Y, Uchino T, Kurahashi S, Matsumura T, Osawa T, Arikawa T, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Sano T: Preliminary results of robotic inguinal hernia repair following its introduction in a single-center trial. Ann Gastroenterol Surg 2020;4(4):441-447.
- Kato S, Ishiguro S, Komatsu S, Matsumura T, Yasui K, Komaya K, Saito T, Arikawa T, Kaneko K, Sano T: Laparoscopic repair of secondary perineal hernia with coverage by the mobilized cecum. Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery 2019;12(4):482-485.
- Saito T, Yasui K, Kurahashi S, Komaya K, Ishiguro S, Arikawa T, Komatsu S, Kaneko K, Miyachi M, Sano T: Intrapericardial diaphragmatic hernia into the pericardium after esophagectomy: a case report. Surg Case Rep 2018;4(1):94.
- Iwata T, Murotani K, Komatsu S, Mishima H, Arikawa T: Surgical outcome of laparoscopic hepatic resection for hepatocellular carcinoma: A matched case-control study with propensity score matching. Journal of Minimal Access Surgery 2017.
- Hirose T, Takayama Y, Komatsu S, Shingu Y, Sakamoto E, Norimizu S, Hasegawa H: Randomized clinical trial comparing lightweight or heavyweight mesh for mesh plug repair of primary inguinal hernia. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery 2014;18(2):213-219.
- Yamada T, Shimura T, Sakamoto E, Kurumiya Y, Komatsu S, Iwasaki H, Nomura S, Kanie H, Hasegawa H, Orito E, Joh T: Preoperative drainage using a transanal tube enables elective laparoscopic colectomy for obstructive distal colorectal cancer. Endoscopy 2013;45(4):265-271.
- Kobayashi S, Nagino M, Komatsu S, Naruse K, Nimura Y, Nakanishi M, Sokabe M: Stretch-induced IL-6 secretion from endothelial cells requires NF-kappaB activation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2003;308(2):306-312.
- Kawai M, Naruse K, Komatsu S, Kobayashi S, Nagino M, Nimura Y, Sokabe M: Mechanical stress-dependent secretion of interleukin 6 by endothelial cells after portal vein embolization: clinical and experimental studies. Journal of Hepatology 2002;37(2):240-246.
- Komatsu S, Yuasa N, Oda K, Miyake H, Kurumiya Y, Goto H, Nimura Y: Early basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2001;53(2):253-254.
- Yamamoto K, Maeda S, Kameoka N, Komatsu S, Ishikawa T: Rotational Digital Angiography for the Evaluation of Iliac Artery Disease. The International journal of angiology : official publication of the International College of Angiology, Inc 1999;8(1):11-15.
- Yamamoto H, Hayakawa N, Komatsu S, Nagino M, Nimura Y: Right hepatic lobectomy and subsegmental resection of the left caudate lobe for gallbladder carcinoma involving the hepatic hilus: preservation of the ventral portion of the left caudate lobe. Journal of Hepato-biliary-pancreatic Surgery 1998;5(2):207-211.
- Morise Z, Komatsu S, Fuseler JW, Granger DN, Perry M, Issekutz AC, Grisham MB: ICAM-1 and P-selectin expression in a model of NSAID-induced gastropathy. The American Journal of Physiology 1998;274(2 Pt 1):G246-252.
- Komatsu S, Panes J, Russell JM, Anderson DC, Muzykantov VR, Miyasaka M, Granger DN: Effects of chronic arterial hypertension on constitutive and induced intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression in vivo. Hypertension 1997;29(2):683-689.
- Komatsu S, Flores S, Gerritsen ME, Anderson DC, Granger DN: Differential up-regulation of circulating soluble and endothelial cell intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in mice. The American Journal of Pathology 1997;151(1):205-214.
- Horie Y, Chervenak RP, Wolf R, Gerritsen ME, Anderson DC, Komatsu S, Granger DN: Lymphocytes mediate TNF-alpha-induced endothelial cell adhesion molecule expression: studies on SCID and RAG-1 mutant mice. Journal of Immunology 1997;159(10):5053-5062.
- Komatsu S, Nagino M, Hayakawa N, Yamamoto H, Nimura Y: Congenital absence of portal venous system associated with a large inferior mesenteric-caval shunt: a case report. Hepato-gastroenterology 1995;42(3):286-290.